Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /home/mysailin/aryanationals/lib/classes/class.moduleoperations.inc.php on line 395

Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /home/mysailin/aryanationals/lib/classes/class.moduleoperations.inc.php on line 402
Notice to Competitors - aryanationals.com
Notice to Competitors

Notice to Competitors

Please note that during the event the official Notice Board outlining notices to competitors shall be located at the event venue.


16 November 2023 - SA IOM State Championship
Competitors may also wish to participate in the SA IOM State Championship which is scheduled on 16-17 March. Entries are now open for this event, please visit the ARYA website for details.

15 November 2023 - Amendment to Notice of Race (1) has been issued.

Competitors should ensure that they review amendments to the Notice of Race, these can be found on the Notice of Race page.


For further information, please email info@arya.asn.au

Time: 0.079083 / SQL: 0.00695s for 25 queries / Net Memory: 7493888 / Peak: 8268952
Debug: (0.007364) - (net usage: 880792) - (peak: 1504504)
Initialize Database
Debug: (0.009981) - (net usage: 1219216) - (peak: 1698576)
Done Initializing Database
Debug: (0.010031) - (net usage: 1219376) - (peak: 1698576)
initialize internal global cache
Debug: (0.012537) - (net usage: 1889592) - (peak: 2421136)
done initializing global cache
Debug: (0.01257) - (net usage: 1889056) - (peak: 2421136)
Loading Modules
Debug: (0.025965) - (net usage: 3588912) - (peak: 4075576)
End of Loading Modules
Debug: (0.026258) - (net usage: 3604384) - (peak: 4078408)
Initialize Smarty
Debug: (0.026301) - (net usage: 3604544) - (peak: 4078408)
Done Initialing Smarty
Debug: (0.02666) - (net usage: 3693968) - (peak: 4179080)
cms_content_cache: begin load needed content objects
Debug: (0.026927) - (net usage: 3708472) - (peak: 4187624)
cms_content_cache: end loading needed content objects
Debug: (0.027581) - (net usage: 3760272) - (peak: 4206496)
SELECT * FROM cms_content WHERE content_id = 213 LIMIT  1
Debug: (0.031821) - (net usage: 4213040) - (peak: 4915632)
process template top
Debug: (0.033268) - (net usage: 4430504) - (peak: 5085848)
SELECT * FROM cms_layout_templates WHERE id = 41 LIMIT  1
Debug: (0.043795) - (net usage: 5903744) - (peak: 7440512)
SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id = 213
Debug display of 'Start Load Smarty Plugin Navigator/function':(0.045186) - (net usage: 5914304) - (peak: 7440512)
Debug: (0.045756) - (net usage: 5961128) - (peak: 7440512)
SELECT * FROM cms_module_smarty_plugins ORDER BY module
Debug: (0.048218) - (net usage: 6056768) - (peak: 7440512)
Start Navigator default action
Debug: (0.048507) - (net usage: 6078640) - (peak: 7440512)
SELECT * FROM cms_layout_templates WHERE name = 'Sportfit Navigation' LIMIT  1
Debug: (0.04938) - (net usage: 6106984) - (peak: 7440512)
SELECT * FROM cms_content FORCE INDEX (cms_index_content_by_idhier) WHERE content_id IN (1,83,33,94,125) AND active = 1 ORDER BY hierarchy
Debug: (0.049802) - (net usage: 6122104) - (peak: 7440512)
SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id IN (1,83,33,94) ORDER BY content_id
Debug: (0.050958) - (net usage: 6195792) - (peak: 7440512)
SELECT * FROM cms_content FORCE INDEX (cms_index_content_by_idhier) WHERE content_id IN (199,200,209,191,214,215,216) AND active = 1 ORDER BY hierarchy
Debug: (0.051666) - (net usage: 6294760) - (peak: 7440512)
SELECT * FROM cms_content FORCE INDEX (cms_index_content_by_idhier) WHERE content_id IN (201,203,205,207) AND active = 1 ORDER BY hierarchy
Debug: (0.052188) - (net usage: 6352048) - (peak: 7440512)
SELECT * FROM cms_content FORCE INDEX (cms_index_content_by_idhier) WHERE content_id IN (202,204,206,208) AND active = 1 ORDER BY hierarchy
Debug: (0.052744) - (net usage: 6419152) - (peak: 7440512)
SELECT * FROM cms_content FORCE INDEX (cms_index_content_by_idhier) WHERE content_id IN (210,211,212) AND active = 1 ORDER BY hierarchy
Debug: (0.053328) - (net usage: 6462280) - (peak: 7440512)
SELECT * FROM cms_content FORCE INDEX (cms_index_content_by_idhier) WHERE content_id IN (192,193,194) AND active = 1 ORDER BY hierarchy
Debug: (0.05375) - (net usage: 6505416) - (peak: 7440512)
SELECT * FROM cms_content FORCE INDEX (cms_index_content_by_idhier) WHERE content_id IN (217,220,221) AND active = 1 ORDER BY hierarchy
Debug: (0.054089) - (net usage: 6548552) - (peak: 7440512)
SELECT * FROM cms_content FORCE INDEX (cms_index_content_by_idhier) WHERE content_id IN (218,222,224) AND active = 1 ORDER BY hierarchy
Debug: (0.05452) - (net usage: 6591680) - (peak: 7440512)
SELECT * FROM cms_content FORCE INDEX (cms_index_content_by_idhier) WHERE content_id IN (219,223,225) AND active = 1 ORDER BY hierarchy
Debug: (0.054988) - (net usage: 6640424) - (peak: 7440512)
SELECT * FROM cms_content FORCE INDEX (cms_index_content_by_idhier) WHERE content_id IN (195,144,95,146) AND active = 1 ORDER BY hierarchy
Debug: (0.055452) - (net usage: 6699960) - (peak: 7440512)
SELECT * FROM cms_content FORCE INDEX (cms_index_content_by_idhier) WHERE content_id IN (125) AND active = 1 ORDER BY hierarchy
Debug: (0.065616) - (net usage: 7036320) - (peak: 7534912)
End Navigator default action
Debug: (0.066563) - (net usage: 7043368) - (peak: 7539880)
Start Navigator default action
Debug: (0.066821) - (net usage: 7064072) - (peak: 7539880)
SELECT * FROM cms_layout_templates WHERE name = 'Sportfit Navigation Right' LIMIT  1
Debug: (0.067108) - (net usage: 7074624) - (peak: 7539880)
SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id = 192
Debug: (0.06738) - (net usage: 7078088) - (peak: 7539880)
SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id = 193
Debug: (0.067666) - (net usage: 7081192) - (peak: 7539880)
SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id = 194
Debug: (0.073735) - (net usage: 7061248) - (peak: 7584760)
End Navigator default action
Debug: (0.07813) - (net usage: 7331136) - (peak: 7897520)
SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS S.id FROM cms_layout_stylesheets S LEFT JOIN cms_layout_design_cssassoc D ON S.id = D.css_id WHERE D.design_id = 10 ORDER BY D.item_order ASC LIMIT 0, 1000
Debug: (0.078215) - (net usage: 7348688) - (peak: 7897520)
Debug: (0.078798) - (net usage: 7636376) - (peak: 8082600)
SELECT id,name,content,description,media_type,media_query,created,modified FROM cms_layout_stylesheets WHERE id IN (24,21,23,22)