Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /home/mysailin/aryanationals/lib/classes/class.moduleoperations.inc.php on line 395

Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /home/mysailin/aryanationals/lib/classes/class.moduleoperations.inc.php on line 402

Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/mysailin/aryanationals/modules/Search/PorterStemmer.class.php on line 393

Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/mysailin/aryanationals/modules/Search/PorterStemmer.class.php on line 393

Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/mysailin/aryanationals/modules/Search/PorterStemmer.class.php on line 410

Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/mysailin/aryanationals/modules/Search/PorterStemmer.class.php on line 411

Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/mysailin/aryanationals/modules/Search/PorterStemmer.class.php on line 412
Notice of Race - aryanationals.com
Notice of Race

2024 IOM Australian Championship - Notice of Race

Notice of Race View
Amendment to Notice of Race View









Time: 0.328904 / SQL: 0.00855s for 32 queries / Net Memory: 8580768 / Peak: 9355784
Debug: (0.007922) - (net usage: 880792) - (peak: 1504456)
Initialize Database
Debug: (0.010372) - (net usage: 1219216) - (peak: 1698528)
Done Initializing Database
Debug: (0.01039) - (net usage: 1219376) - (peak: 1698528)
initialize internal global cache
Debug: (0.01263) - (net usage: 1889592) - (peak: 2421088)
done initializing global cache
Debug: (0.012655) - (net usage: 1889056) - (peak: 2421088)
Loading Modules
Debug: (0.02599) - (net usage: 3588944) - (peak: 4075560)
End of Loading Modules
Debug: (0.02691) - (net usage: 3642912) - (peak: 4099536)
SELECT * FROM cms_mod_cmsjobmgr WHERE start < UNIX_TIMESTAMP() AND created < UNIX_TIMESTAMP() ORDER BY errors ASC,created ASC LIMIT 1
Debug: (0.02725) - (net usage: 3626520) - (peak: 4099536)
UPDATE cms_siteprefs SET sitepref_value = 1727949041 WHERE sitepref_name = 'CmsJobManager_mapi_pref_tasks_lastcheck'
Debug: (0.028099) - (net usage: 3722512) - (peak: 4174584)
SELECT sitepref_name,sitepref_value FROM cms_siteprefs
Debug: (0.029674) - (net usage: 3790032) - (peak: 4267152)
start building module capability list
Debug: (0.033675) - (net usage: 4313296) - (peak: 4840104)
done building module capability list
Debug: (0.035292) - (net usage: 4364776) - (peak: 4840104)
INSERT INTO cms_mod_cmsjobmgr (name,created,module,errors,start,recurs,until,data) VALUES ('News\\CreateDraftAlertTask',1727949042,'News',0,1727949042,NULL,NULL,'O:23:\"CMSMS\\Async\\RegularTask\":7:{s:30:\"\0CMSMS\\Async\\RegularTask\0_task\";O:25:\"News\\CreateDraftAlertTask\":0:{}s:20:\"\0CMSMS\\Async\\Job\0_id\";N;s:22:\"\0CMSMS\\Async\\Job\0_name\";s:25:\"News\\CreateDraftAlertTask\";s:25:\"\0CMSMS\\Async\\Job\0_created\";i:1727949042;s:24:\"\0CMSMS\\Async\\Job\0_module\";s:4:\"News\";s:23:\"\0CMSMS\\Async\\Job\0_start\";i:1727949042;s:24:\"\0CMSMS\\Async\\Job\0_errors\";N;}')
Debug: (0.036818) - (net usage: 4489968) - (peak: 5059904)
SELECT * FROM cms_content WHERE content_id = 1 LIMIT  1
Debug: (0.041287) - (net usage: 4912136) - (peak: 5681408)
UPDATE cms_siteprefs SET sitepref_value = 1727949042 WHERE sitepref_name = 'CmsJobManager_mapi_pref_last_async_trigger'
Debug: (0.278368) - (net usage: 4897488) - (peak: 5681408)
Initialize Smarty
Debug: (0.278398) - (net usage: 4897648) - (peak: 5681408)
Done Initialing Smarty
Debug: (0.278663) - (net usage: 4916856) - (peak: 5681408)
SELECT sitepref_name,sitepref_value FROM cms_siteprefs
Debug: (0.279146) - (net usage: 4909176) - (peak: 5681408)
cms_content_cache: begin load needed content objects
Debug: (0.279264) - (net usage: 4909432) - (peak: 5681408)
cms_content_cache: end loading needed content objects
Debug: (0.279899) - (net usage: 4952840) - (peak: 5681408)
SELECT * FROM cms_content WHERE content_id = 192 LIMIT  1
Debug: (0.281199) - (net usage: 5041096) - (peak: 5681408)
process template top
Debug: (0.283031) - (net usage: 5192848) - (peak: 5848144)
SELECT * FROM cms_layout_templates WHERE id = 41 LIMIT  1
Debug: (0.294161) - (net usage: 6665992) - (peak: 8268280)
SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id = 192
Debug display of 'Start Load Smarty Plugin Navigator/function':(0.295551) - (net usage: 6679816) - (peak: 8268280)
Debug: (0.296075) - (net usage: 6796240) - (peak: 8268280)
SELECT * FROM cms_module_smarty_plugins ORDER BY module
Debug: (0.297995) - (net usage: 6838056) - (peak: 8268280)
Start Navigator default action
Debug: (0.298227) - (net usage: 6859288) - (peak: 8268280)
SELECT * FROM cms_layout_templates WHERE name = 'Sportfit Navigation' LIMIT  1
Debug: (0.299015) - (net usage: 6888792) - (peak: 8268280)
SELECT * FROM cms_content FORCE INDEX (cms_index_content_by_idhier) WHERE content_id IN (83,33,94,125) AND active = 1 ORDER BY hierarchy
Debug: (0.299289) - (net usage: 6902496) - (peak: 8268280)
SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id IN (83,33,94) ORDER BY content_id
Debug: (0.300271) - (net usage: 6961224) - (peak: 8268280)
SELECT * FROM cms_content FORCE INDEX (cms_index_content_by_idhier) WHERE content_id IN (199,200,209,191,214,215,216) AND active = 1 ORDER BY hierarchy
Debug: (0.300805) - (net usage: 7060192) - (peak: 8268280)
SELECT * FROM cms_content FORCE INDEX (cms_index_content_by_idhier) WHERE content_id IN (201,203,205,207) AND active = 1 ORDER BY hierarchy
Debug: (0.301154) - (net usage: 7117480) - (peak: 8268280)
SELECT * FROM cms_content FORCE INDEX (cms_index_content_by_idhier) WHERE content_id IN (202,204,206,208) AND active = 1 ORDER BY hierarchy
Debug: (0.301525) - (net usage: 7184584) - (peak: 8268280)
SELECT * FROM cms_content FORCE INDEX (cms_index_content_by_idhier) WHERE content_id IN (210,211,212) AND active = 1 ORDER BY hierarchy
Debug: (0.301922) - (net usage: 7228992) - (peak: 8268280)
SELECT * FROM cms_content FORCE INDEX (cms_index_content_by_idhier) WHERE content_id IN (193,194,213) AND active = 1 ORDER BY hierarchy
Debug: (0.302222) - (net usage: 7272168) - (peak: 8268280)
SELECT * FROM cms_content FORCE INDEX (cms_index_content_by_idhier) WHERE content_id IN (217,220,221) AND active = 1 ORDER BY hierarchy
Debug: (0.302554) - (net usage: 7315304) - (peak: 8268280)
SELECT * FROM cms_content FORCE INDEX (cms_index_content_by_idhier) WHERE content_id IN (218,222,224) AND active = 1 ORDER BY hierarchy
Debug: (0.302872) - (net usage: 7358432) - (peak: 8268280)
SELECT * FROM cms_content FORCE INDEX (cms_index_content_by_idhier) WHERE content_id IN (219,223,225) AND active = 1 ORDER BY hierarchy
Debug: (0.303283) - (net usage: 7407176) - (peak: 8268280)
SELECT * FROM cms_content FORCE INDEX (cms_index_content_by_idhier) WHERE content_id IN (195,144,95,146) AND active = 1 ORDER BY hierarchy
Debug: (0.303689) - (net usage: 7466712) - (peak: 8268280)
SELECT * FROM cms_content FORCE INDEX (cms_index_content_by_idhier) WHERE content_id IN (125) AND active = 1 ORDER BY hierarchy
Debug: (0.312736) - (net usage: 7737536) - (peak: 8268280)
End Navigator default action
Debug: (0.31499) - (net usage: 7745704) - (peak: 8268280)
Start Navigator default action
Debug: (0.315261) - (net usage: 7766408) - (peak: 8268280)
SELECT * FROM cms_layout_templates WHERE name = 'Sportfit Navigation Right' LIMIT  1
Debug: (0.315632) - (net usage: 7777592) - (peak: 8268280)
SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id = 193
Debug: (0.31605) - (net usage: 7780696) - (peak: 8268280)
SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id = 194
Debug: (0.316513) - (net usage: 7783784) - (peak: 8268280)
SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id = 213
Debug: (0.322662) - (net usage: 7763136) - (peak: 8286600)
End Navigator default action
Debug: (0.32802) - (net usage: 8418016) - (peak: 9183696)
SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS S.id FROM cms_layout_stylesheets S LEFT JOIN cms_layout_design_cssassoc D ON S.id = D.css_id WHERE D.design_id = 10 ORDER BY D.item_order ASC LIMIT 0, 1000
Debug: (0.328109) - (net usage: 8435568) - (peak: 9183696)
Debug: (0.328526) - (net usage: 8723256) - (peak: 9183696)
SELECT id,name,content,description,media_type,media_query,created,modified FROM cms_layout_stylesheets WHERE id IN (24,21,23,22)