Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /home/mysailin/aryanationals/lib/classes/class.moduleoperations.inc.php on line 395

Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /home/mysailin/aryanationals/lib/classes/class.moduleoperations.inc.php on line 402
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Time: 0.330928 / SQL: 0.00614s for 15 queries / Net Memory: 7417832 / Peak: 8191376
Debug: (0.006782) - (net usage: 879448) - (peak: 1501672)
Initialize Database
Debug: (0.009045) - (net usage: 1217872) - (peak: 1695744)
Done Initializing Database
Debug: (0.009085) - (net usage: 1218032) - (peak: 1695744)
initialize internal global cache
Debug: (0.011408) - (net usage: 1927776) - (peak: 2466024)
done initializing global cache
Debug: (0.011434) - (net usage: 1927240) - (peak: 2466024)
Loading Modules
Debug: (0.024302) - (net usage: 3627128) - (peak: 4112304)
End of Loading Modules
Debug: (0.025334) - (net usage: 3681096) - (peak: 4136280)
SELECT * FROM cms_mod_cmsjobmgr WHERE start < UNIX_TIMESTAMP() AND created < UNIX_TIMESTAMP() ORDER BY errors ASC,created ASC LIMIT 1
Debug: (0.026998) - (net usage: 3870640) - (peak: 4438504)
SELECT * FROM cms_content WHERE content_id = 1 LIMIT  1
Debug: (0.030965) - (net usage: 4270112) - (peak: 5037944)
UPDATE cms_siteprefs SET sitepref_value = 1730937913 WHERE sitepref_name = 'CmsJobManager_mapi_pref_last_async_trigger'
Debug: (0.286652) - (net usage: 4258624) - (peak: 5037944)
Initialize Smarty
Debug: (0.286685) - (net usage: 4258784) - (peak: 5037944)
Done Initialing Smarty
Debug: (0.287116) - (net usage: 4277992) - (peak: 5037944)
SELECT sitepref_name,sitepref_value FROM cms_siteprefs
Debug: (0.287786) - (net usage: 4269672) - (peak: 5037944)
cms_content_cache: begin load needed content objects
Debug: (0.288943) - (net usage: 4303080) - (peak: 5037944)
SELECT * FROM cms_content FORCE INDEX (cms_index_content_by_idhier) WHERE content_id IN (83,33,94,226,229,232,235,227,228,230,231,233,234,210,212,211,195,144,95,146,236) AND active = 1 ORDER BY hierarchy
Debug: (0.29011) - (net usage: 4661192) - (peak: 5134424)
cms_content_cache: end loading needed content objects
Debug: (0.292837) - (net usage: 4925160) - (peak: 5501728)
SELECT tpl_id,design_id FROM cms_layout_design_tplassoc
                   WHERE tpl_id IN (30,31) ORDER BY tpl_id
Debug: (0.293123) - (net usage: 4928576) - (peak: 5501728)
SELECT * FROM cms_layout_templates WHERE id IN (30,31)
Debug: (0.294561) - (net usage: 5011920) - (peak: 5501728)
process template top
Debug: (0.305358) - (net usage: 6503216) - (peak: 8038512)
SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id = 1
Debug display of 'Start Load Smarty Plugin Navigator/function':(0.306735) - (net usage: 6512800) - (peak: 8038512)
Debug: (0.307366) - (net usage: 6559640) - (peak: 8038512)
SELECT * FROM cms_module_smarty_plugins ORDER BY module
Debug: (0.309159) - (net usage: 6705896) - (peak: 8038512)
Start Navigator default action
Debug: (0.310008) - (net usage: 6754648) - (peak: 8038512)
SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id = 83
Debug: (0.310703) - (net usage: 6773336) - (peak: 8038512)
SELECT * FROM cms_content FORCE INDEX (cms_index_content_by_idhier) WHERE content_id IN (125) AND active = 1 ORDER BY hierarchy
Debug: (0.320685) - (net usage: 7054832) - (peak: 8038512)
End Navigator default action
Debug: (0.329827) - (net usage: 7255048) - (peak: 8038512)
SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS S.id FROM cms_layout_stylesheets S LEFT JOIN cms_layout_design_cssassoc D ON S.id = D.css_id WHERE D.design_id = 10 ORDER BY D.item_order ASC LIMIT 0, 1000
Debug: (0.329984) - (net usage: 7272600) - (peak: 8038512)
Debug: (0.330583) - (net usage: 7560288) - (peak: 8038512)
SELECT id,name,content,description,media_type,media_query,created,modified FROM cms_layout_stylesheets WHERE id IN (24,21,23,22)